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Shoreline Park Pier Restoration


Located on Tawas Bay, on the western shores of Lake Huron, the City of Tawas City maintains a 450-foot-long pier as part of Shoreline Park. This pier was constructed in multiple phases in the mid-1900s. In 2017, the City of Tawas City, Michigan contracted with Foth and KS Associates, Inc. to perform a condition assessment of the Shoreline Park Pier. The city reported that deterioration of the pier had required repeated repairs due to subsidence of earthwork and deterioration of piling. The city wanted to gain a better understanding of the pier condition, causes of deterioration, options for rehabilitation, and potential project costs.


Our team conducted a condition assessment including observations of the pier structure, identification of deteriorated areas, measurements of areas of concern, and recommendations for improvements.
The pier was found to be in a state of disrepair and needed significant restoration. We provided alternatives, and the city approved restoration of the existing structure with the addition of a 60-foot-long L-shaped extension at the end of the pier. The new extension would help attenuate waves and create a small “harbor” in the lee of the structure.

Foth helped secure more than $3.5 million in funding from the Michigan Economical Development Corporation (MEDC) which provided for final design and construction of the project. We completed a design based on wave attenuation, structural stability, and boat dockage requirements. Permits were obtained from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Part 325 Bottomlands Conveyance and the Joint Permit Application (JPA) with EGLE and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for works within a Great Lakes. Our team assisted the city with bidding the project, and it was awarded to a contractor. Received bids were more than the anticipated budget, however we worked with the city and contractor to identify cost reducing measures to make the project feasible. Construction began in October 2020, with the Foth team providing construction support.


Our team’s assistance with funding identification and procurement resulting in more than $3.5 million dollars guaranteed the project would move to construction. Working with the city and contactor to identify areas where cost savings could be found further reduced the direct costs incurred by the city. This collaborative process has allowed construction to continue.



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