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New Opportunity for Ports Seeking Carbon Reduction Solutions

The EPA recently announced $3 billion in grant funding for U.S. ports to invest in zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure, and climate and air quality planning. Funding is available through two separate notices of funding opportunities: the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition and the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition. Approximately $2.8 billion is available for zero-emission technology deployment at ports, and $150 million for climate and air quality planning.

The grants have an ambitious timeline: 

Informational Webinar: March 13, 2024, 2 pm ET

Notice of Intent to Apply: March 28, 2024

Applications Due: May 28, 2024

Potential clients that are eligible for funding include port authorities; air pollution control agencies; and state, regional, local, or Tribal agencies that have jurisdiction over a port authority or port. Private ports are also eligible for funding if they apply in partnership with an eligible applicant listed above.

Projects should generally fit within one of the following categories:

ZE Mobile Equipment

  • Cargo handling equipment
  • Drayage trucks
  • Locomotives and railcar movers
  • Harbor craft and other vessels

ZE Infrastructure for Mobile Equipment

  • Shore power for marine vessels
  • Electric charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure as well as battery energy storage systems
  • Solar and wind power generation systems

ZE Technology Deployment Support Activities

  • Project-specific public engagement
  • Safety/operational planning, workforce training, and protocol development
  • Project management, administrative costs, and performance monitoring
  • Collection and analysis of in-use operational data
  • Infrastructure testing
  • Permit application


  • Resiliency planning
  • Emissions inventory and accounting practices
  • Stakeholder collaboration and communication
  • Strategy analysis and goal-setting

Foth provides strategic funding expertise, together with project planning and engineering, to clients on the Great Lakes, east and west coasts. We are leaders in helping our clients fund their projects and manage the funding received. With two decades of grant writing experience, we have helped our clients secure more than $100 million for their projects. Our dedicated group of grant professionals provide:

  • Research
  • Project and Grant Program Alignment
  • Project Plan Development (goals, objectives, outcomes, scope, activities, timeline, project budget)
  • Regulatory Understanding and Advocacy
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • ESG Strategy
  • Climate Change Science
  • Federal and State Funding Program Knowledge
  • Grant Management and Accounting
  • IRA and BIL Understanding

Contact Joe Liebau, senior client manager at Foth, to discuss the Clean Ports Program Grant opportunity further.

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