
Balancing environmental, sustainability, and business goals for each project isn’t easy. Mitigation banking can help. Banking offers an opportunity to generate income from planned wetland or stream restoration projects while improving water quality, species diversity, and wildlife habitat. Banks also provide valuable compensation opportunities to public and private clients juggling project and environmental demands.

Developing a bank involves a variety of processes and regulations, from assessing bank feasibility to creating and submitting a prospectus, from coordinating and permitting processes to developing a bank design, and from overseeing construction to marketing bank credits to prospective buyers. It even involves post mitigation monitoring and management. Foth’s scientists and engineers are eager to lend a hand with all of these activities, helping you create impactful projects that provide environmental, financial, and community benefits for years to come.

Field Work

  • Phase 1 Environment Site Assessment
  • Stream and Wildlife Habitat Assessments
  • Natural Resource Management Plans
  • Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Surveys


  • Stream restoration design, construction oversight, and monitoring
  • Wetland mitigation design, construction oversight, and monitoring
  • Wetland and stream mitigation banking
  • Integrated Invasive Species identification and adaptive management planning.


  • Environmental constraints mapping and analysis
  • Alternative analyses
  • Section 4(f) evaluations
  • NEPA documentation, environmental assessments, and categorical exclusions


  • Section 404 and 10
  • Local and state floodplain permitting
  • National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
  • MS4 compliance
  • Section 401 water quality certifications
  • Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation
Wetland and Mitigation


"If there’s a problem, they are the first to stand up and say, "We’ll take care of it.""

— Utility Manager

Reach Out to Learn More

Mike Heller

Lead Environmental Scientist

Email: Mike.Heller@Foth.com

Ph: (515) 251-2572