
Effective water management is critical to the protection and enhancement of one of our most valuable natural resources. Whether your project relates to industrial water, surface water, stormwater, drinking water, or wastewater, the experts at Foth help you develop sustainable solutions that protect the public and the environment, providing a resource to be used and enjoyed by all. Foth’s team has decades of experience in modeling, infrastructure management, permitting, compliance, control systems, and funding assistance, providing you with the expertise you need to see your water project through to completion.

Drinking Water

  • Water distribution design
  • Water treatment design
  • Groundwater supply wells
  • Elevated water storage
  • Ground level water storage
  • Booster stations
  • Water system instrumentation and controls
  • Water distribution system modeling
  • Water system planning, regulatory standards and financial assistance

Water Resources

  • Watershed analysis, open channel flow and runoff modeling
  • Bridge opening analysis
  • Flood plain planning, regulatory standards and financial assistance
  • Stream restoration
  • Water quality and sediment reduction

Wastewater Treatment

  • Conveyance (sewer collection/piping)
  • Pipeline and manhole rehabilitation
  • Lift station design and pumping
  • Operations and maintenance
  • Municipal wastewater treatment improvements and facilities
  • Storage
  • System instrumentation and controls
  • Collection system modeling
  • System planning, regulatory standards and financial assistance
  • Industrial systems design (biological, chemical, and mechanical systems)
  • Energy recovery and water reuse design

Environmental Compliance

  • Environmental permitting (NPDES/DNR/USACE)
  • Stormwater pollution prevention plan
  • Municipal separate storm sewer system permit (MS4)
  • Wetland monitoring and delineation
  • Wetland impacts alternatives analysis and mitigation
  • Threatened and endangered species evaluation
  • River, stream and waterfront projects


  • Management and design
  • Collection piping and drainage structures
  • Planning, regulatory standards and financial assistance
water and wastewater solutions

"If there’s a problem, they are the first to stand up and say, “We’ll take care of it.""

— Foth Client


Read more about Foth’s water and wastewater work.

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about partnering with Foth on your next water and wastewater project.

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